Exclusive "Made-To-Order" Custom "Wedding Photos" T-shirt

"We only provide you with high-quality 100% cotton shirts from the top manufacturers to go along with high-quality images to express yourself in the most unique way possible, while allowing you to show your apparel off wash after wash "
For the First time on Ebay, here's your chance to buy an exclusive "WEDDING PHOTO TEE", exclusively made by you!!!!! DID YOU PAY HUNDREDS FOR PROFESSIONALLY MADE PHOTOS THAT YOU HAVE ON A HARD DRIVE THAT A PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER MADE AT YOUR BIG DAY???!! IF SO, THEN SEND IT OVER TO US & WE'LL HAVE IT DONE JUST AS HIGH DEF & HIGH QUALITY ON A TEE AS THE ACTUAL PHOTO ITSELF!!! And hell, if enough people like it, let's talk business and make money together so I can arrange a special discount for you to sell those shirts in BULK!!!! Check this out! - Exclusive "Made-To-Order" Custom "Wedding Photos" T-shirt .

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